MRCPCH Clinical Courses


Day 1

  • Intensive practise and demonstration of examination skills in the following systems: Cardiovascular, Abdomen, Neurology, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, General and Development station.
  • Standards expected in the real exam scenarios will be demonstrated and discussed on individual cases.
  • Each candidate will get an opportunity to examine and present. Constructive and individual feedback will be provided. You will be viewing performance of fellow colleagues to ascertain good and not so good examination skills.
  • Particular emphasis will be paid to ensure that we get your examination skills at a level expected in the MRCPCH exam.
  • Candidates will be appraised on how to improve their scores from pass to clear pass to get over the last step.  

Example cases seen in our courses

CVS :  Pulmonary Stenosis, Repaired TGA with PS, Aortic Stenosis, VSD, AVSD Repaired, TOF

Neurology : Cerebral palsy (Ataxia, Diplegia, Quadriplegia), Congenital Myopathy. Myotonic Dystrophy, Charcot Marie tooth disease. Vagus nerve stimulators

Abdomen : Heriditory Spherocytosis, Scars, Portal Hypertension, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Alagille syndrome.

MSK : Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, JIA, Hypermobility, Arthrogyroposis Multiplex, Scoliosis, Pectus excavatum, Poland’s anomaly.

Respiratory : Chronic Lung disease, Bronchiolitis Obliterans, GVH lung disease, Cystic fibrosis, Non CF bronchiectasis, Porta cath and hickmans line.

Development: Speech delay, Motor delay, fine motor problems, Social communication disorders.

General : Marfan syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Mucopolysacharidosis, Downs syndrome, Charge anomaly, Achondroplasia, Hypochondroplasia.

Rarities : Portacath, gastrostomy, hickman’s line, vagal nerve stimulator, Harrington rod, baclofen pump.  

History and Management

  • Each candidate will get a chance to go through this station with individualised feedback provided.
  • Cases chosen will vary from simple outpatient presentations to those with complex chronic conditions.

Communication Station

  • Each candidate will have opportunity to practise at least one, possibly more scenarios with role players and actors.
  • Variety of communication scenarios will be used to give you confidence in the real exam situation.
  • Example topics that will be covered during the course:
  • Breaking bad news
  • Child Abuse/ sexual abuse
  • Talking to a teenager
  • Talking to colleague/junior doctor/ medical student/nursing staff
  • Drug errors/mistakes
  • Gillick’s competence
  • Ethics of prematurity/withdrawal of care
  • Angry parents